What Is the Best Hair Transplant Method?

Hair Transplant in Zirakpur


Sadly, some of us lose our hair, which necessitates immediate medical attention.


The effects of hair loss are especially obvious in big cities where careers demand both personality and appearance in addition to strong credentials.


Hair transplantation is the most popular method of treating baldness, and Hair Transplant in Zirakpur is the best location for those who are experiencing hair loss to have the procedure completed.


The only reason patients who suffer from hair loss travel to the city for surgery is because the most well-known and reputable hair transplant clinics provide world-class services with flawless results.


This is in addition to the reasonably priced hair transplant in Zirakpur.


The best hair transplant method


Follicular Unit Extraction, also known as DHI, is a type of hair implanting procedure (FUE).


The follicular units are implanted into the incisions the doctor makes throughout the scalp when using the FUE technique.


While there are no cuts or incisions necessary with the DHI technique to implant these grafts.


Hair Transplant in Zirakpur


Hair transplant procedures are known throughout the world for producing excellent results when performed by experts with skill.


The restorative procedure involves taking hair grafts from donor areas, particularly those with permanent hair roots, and transplanting them to the bald area that needs treatment.


Process for DHI


Here is a step-by-step description of how the DHI procedure works.


  • Either the doctor trims the donor area’s hair (from where the hair is to be taken). Particularly at the back of the head is the donor area.


  • The surgeon then administers local anaesthesia via scalp injection. In order to ensure that the patient can only feel the prick of the needle, this is done.


  • The doctor uses a device called a DHI Implanter, which has a small 0.6–0.8 mm tip and helps remove hair follicles without damaging the hair grafts or the nearby hair, once the scalp has lost feeling.


  • The next step is to prepare hair follicles for implantation as grafts. This is done in a clinical lab by the doctor.


  • After being inserted into the implanter once more, the grafts are then implanted directly into the bald area without affecting the surrounding area.


  • The direction of the follicles can be determined by the doctor prior to implanting them into the holes to create a more natural appearance.




The doctor decides which hair transplantation technique is best for you based on the severity of your baldness, your ability to grow new hair, and other variables.


Any type of hair transplantation aims to promote hair growth in areas where it is not possible.


Despite the existence of more conventional methods like follicular unit transplantation or extraction, direct hair implantation is the most cutting-edge method.


People are choosing Direct Hair Implantation more frequently because, as was already mentioned, it has a number of benefits.


Our doctors at Hair Transplant in Zirakpur use this method for hair growth that provides long-lasting results. Following a correct diagnosis, they advise whether DHI is the best option for you.